me); } return $this->parameters[$name]; } public function hasParameter($name) { $name = (string) $name; $name = $this->normalizeParameterName($name); return isset($this->parameters[$name]) || isset($this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name]) || array_key_exists($name, $this->parameters); } public function setParameter($name, $value) { throw new LogicException('Impossible to call set() on a frozen ParameterBag.'); } public function getParameterBag() { if (null === $this->parameterBag) { $parameters = $this->parameters; foreach ($this->loadedDynamicParameters as $name => $loaded) { $parameters[$name] = $loaded ? $this->dynamicParameters[$name] : $this->getDynamicParameter($name); } $this->parameterBag = new FrozenParameterBag($parameters); } return $this->parameterBag; } private $loadedDynamicParameters = []; private $dynamicParameters = []; /** * Computes a dynamic parameter. * * @param string $name The name of the dynamic parameter to load * * @return mixed The value of the dynamic parameter * * @throws InvalidArgumentException When the dynamic parameter does not exist */ private function getDynamicParameter($name) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The dynamic parameter "%s" must be defined.', $name)); } private $normalizedParameterNames = []; private function normalizeParameterName($name) { if (isset($this->normalizedParameterNames[$normalizedName = strtolower($name)]) || isset($this->parameters[$normalizedName]) || array_key_exists($normalizedName, $this->parameters)) { $normalizedName = isset($this->normalizedParameterNames[$normalizedName]) ? $this->normalizedParameterNames[$normalizedName] : $normalizedName; if ((string) $name !== $normalizedName) { @trigger_error(sprintf('Parameter names will be made case sensitive in Symfony 4.0. Using "%s" instead of "%s" is deprecated since Symfony 3.4.', $name, $normalizedName), E_USER_DEPRECATED); } } else { $normalizedName = $this->normalizedParameterNames[$normalizedName] = (string) $name; } return $normalizedName; } /** * Gets the default parameters. * * @return array An array of the default parameters */ protected function getDefaultParameters() { return [ 'oxid_esales.module.metadata.service.metadata_schemata' => [ '1.0' => [ 0 => 'id', 1 => 'version', 2 => 'title', 3 => 'description', 4 => 'lang', 5 => 'thumbnail', 6 => 'author', 7 => 'url', 8 => 'email', 9 => 'extend', 11 => 'templates', 'blocks' => [ 0 => 'theme', 1 => 'template', 2 => 'block', 3 => 'file', 4 => 'position', ], 'settings' => [ 0 => 'group', 1 => 'name', 2 => 'type', 3 => 'value', 4 => 'constraints', 5 => 'position', ], 13 => 'files', ], '1.1' => [ 0 => 'id', 1 => 'version', 2 => 'title', 3 => 'description', 4 => 'lang', 5 => 'thumbnail', 6 => 'author', 7 => 'url', 8 => 'email', 9 => 'extend', 11 => 'templates', 'blocks' => [ 0 => 'theme', 1 => 'template', 2 => 'block', 3 => 'file', 4 => 'position', ], 'settings' => [ 0 => 'group', 1 => 'name', 2 => 'type', 3 => 'value', 4 => 'constraints', 5 => 'position', ], 12 => 'events', 13 => 'files', ], '1.2' => [ 0 => 'id', 1 => 'version', 2 => 'title', 3 => 'description', 4 => 'lang', 5 => 'thumbnail', 6 => 'author', 7 => 'url', 8 => 'email', 9 => 'extend', 11 => 'templates', 'blocks' => [ 0 => 'theme', 1 => 'template', 2 => 'block', 3 => 'file', 4 => 'position', ], 'settings' => [ 0 => 'group', 1 => 'name', 2 => 'type', 3 => 'value', 4 => 'constraints', 5 => 'position', ], 12 => 'events', 13 => 'files', ], '2.0' => [ 0 => 'id', 1 => 'version', 2 => 'title', 3 => 'description', 4 => 'lang', 5 => 'thumbnail', 6 => 'author', 7 => 'url', 8 => 'email', 9 => 'extend', 10 => 'controllers', 11 => 'templates', 'blocks' => [ 0 => 'theme', 1 => 'template', 2 => 'block', 3 => 'file', 4 => 'position', ], 'settings' => [ 0 => 'group', 1 => 'name', 2 => 'type', 3 => 'value', 4 => 'constraints', 5 => 'position', ], 12 => 'events', ], '2.1' => [ 0 => 'id', 1 => 'version', 2 => 'title', 3 => 'description', 4 => 'lang', 5 => 'thumbnail', 6 => 'author', 7 => 'url', 8 => 'email', 9 => 'extend', 10 => 'controllers', 11 => 'templates', 'blocks' => [ 0 => 'theme', 1 => 'template', 2 => 'block', 3 => 'file', 4 => 'position', ], 'settings' => [ 0 => 'group', 1 => 'name', 2 => 'type', 3 => 'value', 4 => 'constraints', 5 => 'position', ], 12 => 'events', 13 => 'smartyPluginDirectories', ], ], 'oxid_esales.authentication.service.password_hash.bcrypt.cost' => 10, 'oxid_esales.authentication.service.password_hash.argon2.memory_cost' => 1024, 'oxid_esales.authentication.service.password_hash.argon2.time_cost' => 2, Maintenance mode / Wartungsarbeiten

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